September 16, 2024

How to set up IBM DB2 with dbt Developer Hub

Install dbt-ibmdb2 adapter & configure IBM DB2 connection in profiles.yml. Optionally enable database encryption & create/load data into the database.
Dexter Chu
Head of Marketing

How to Install the Adapter for IBM DB2 with dbt Developer Hub?

Setting up IBM DB2 with dbt Developer Hub begins with the installation of the adapter. This process is facilitated by pip, a package installer for Python. The adapter is necessary to establish a connection between IBM DB2 and dbt Developer Hub.

pip install dbt-ibmdb2

The above code is a command line instruction to pip to install the dbt-ibmdb2 adapter. Once executed, pip will download and install the adapter, making it available for use in your Python environment.

  • pip: A package installer for Python.
  • dbt-ibmdb2: The adapter for IBM DB2 in dbt Developer Hub.

How to Configure dbt-ibmdb2 for IBM DB2?

Once the adapter is installed, the next step is to configure dbt-ibmdb2. This involves setting up IBM DB2 targets using the appropriate configuration in your profiles.yml file.

target: dev
type: ibmdb2
schema: my_schema
threads: 1
host: localhost
port: 50000
user: my_user
pass: my_pass
dbname: my_db

The above code is a sample configuration for dbt-ibmdb2 in the profiles.yml file. It specifies the target environment (dev), the type of database (ibmdb2), the schema, the number of threads, the host, the port, the user, the password, and the database name.

  • profiles.yml: A file used to store configuration details for dbt projects.
  • ibmdb2: IBM DB2 database.

How to Configure Environment for Database Encryption in IBM DB2?

For security purposes, it's important to configure your environment to enable database encryption in IBM DB2. This process involves setting up specific parameters within your DB2 environment.


The above code is an example of how to enable database encryption in IBM DB2. It updates the database configuration for the specified database (my_db) to use a specific encryption library and encryption options.

  • ENCRLIB: The path to the encryption library.
  • ENCROPTS: The encryption options.

How to Create a Database in IBM DB2?

Creating a database in IBM DB2 involves executing a specific SQL command. This command will create a new database with the specified name.


The above code is a SQL command to create a new database named my_db in IBM DB2. Once executed, a new database with the specified name will be created.

  • CREATE DATABASE: A SQL command to create a new database.
  • my_db: The name of the new database.

How to Load Database Data in IBM DB2?

After creating the database and its corresponding schema, the next step is to load the database data. This process involves executing a specific SQL command.

LOAD DATA INFILE '/path/to/your/data/file' INTO TABLE my_table

The above code is a SQL command to load data from a specified file into a specific table in IBM DB2. Once executed, the data from the file will be loaded into the specified table.

  • LOAD DATA INFILE: A SQL command to load data from a file into a table.
  • my_table: The name of the table where the data will be loaded.

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