September 16, 2024

Calculating Cumulative Sum in Snowflake Using the SUM Window Function

Snowflake Cumulative Sum: Calculate a running total of a numeric column in a result set.
Dexter Chu
Product Marketing

In this tutorial, we will learn how to calculate a cumulative sum or running total in Snowflake using the `SUM()` window function along with the `OVER()` clause. This is particularly useful for analyzing trends over time or across categories.

What Is a Cumulative Sum?

A cumulative sum, also known as a running total, is the summation of a sequence of numbers where the sequence is defined by an order. In the context of databases, this order is typically defined by a date or time column, but it could also be any column that provides a meaningful sequence.

Step 1: Create a Table with Relevant Data

First, you need a table that includes the data you want to accumulate. This table should have at least two columns: one for the values you want to sum (e.g., session counts, sales amounts) and another to define the order of accumulation (e.g., dates, months).

SELECT to_date(start_date) AS day, COUNT(1) FROM sessions GROUP BY to_date(start_date);

This query groups your data by day and counts the number of sessions for each day.

Step 2: Use a Common Table Expression (CTE) for Clarity

Although not strictly necessary, using a CTE can make your query more readable, especially for complex calculations. Define the CTE to encapsulate the initial data selection.

WITH data AS (
SELECT to_date(start_date) AS day, COUNT(1) AS number_of_sessions
FROM sessions
GROUP BY to_date(start_date)

This CTE groups sessions by day and counts them.

Step 3: Calculate the Cumulative Sum

Use the `SUM()` window function with the `OVER()` clause to calculate the running total. The `ORDER BY` within the `OVER()` clause specifies the sequence of accumulation, and `ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW` indicates that the sum should start from the first row and include all rows up to the current one in the sequence.

FROM data;

This query calculates the cumulative sum of sessions by day, ensuring that each day's total includes all previous days' counts.

Step 4: Partitioning for Grouped Accumulation

If you need to calculate running totals within separate groups (e.g., by week, month, or another category), you can add a `PARTITION BY` clause to the `OVER()` function. This will reset the cumulative sum for each partition, allowing for independent accumulation within each group.


This modification would allow you to calculate separate running totals for different groups, such as weeks or months, without mixing the totals between groups.

Step 5: Execute the Query

After you have constructed your query, execute it in your Snowflake environment. The result will be a table with the cumulative sum for each group or partition, ordered by the specified column.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While calculating cumulative sums in Snowflake, you might encounter a few challenges:

  • Incorrect ordering of rows: Ensure that the `ORDER BY` clause within the `OVER()` function correctly specifies the sequence of accumulation.
  • Incorrect partitioning: If the cumulative sums are not resetting correctly for each group, check your `PARTITION BY` clause.
  • Performance issues: For large datasets, consider optimizing your query or using Snowflake's clustering feature to improve performance.

Best Practices for Using Window Functions in Snowflake

When using window functions like `SUM()` with the `OVER()` clause in Snowflake, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Use a CTE for clarity, especially for complex calculations.
  • Always specify the order of accumulation using the `ORDER BY` clause within the `OVER()` function.
  • Use the `PARTITION BY` clause for grouped accumulation.

Further Learning

For more advanced usage of window functions in Snowflake, consider the following topics:

  • Other window functions: Snowflake supports a wide range of window functions, including `AVG()`, `MIN()`, `MAX()`, and more.
  • Advanced window frame specifications: Learn about different types of window frames like `ROWS`, `RANGE`, and `GROUPS`.
  • Performance optimization: Learn how to optimize your queries for better performance with large datasets.

Recap of Calculating Cumulative Sum in Snowflake

In this tutorial, we learned how to calculate a cumulative sum in Snowflake using the `SUM()` window function with the `OVER()` clause. We discussed how to create a table with relevant data, use a CTE for clarity, calculate the cumulative sum, and partition the data for grouped accumulation. We also covered common challenges, best practices, and further learning resources.

  • Cumulative sum is a useful technique for analyzing trends over time or across categories.
  • Use the `SUM()` window function with the `OVER()` clause to calculate a cumulative sum in Snowflake.
  • Consider using a CTE for clarity and the `PARTITION BY` clause for grouped accumulation.

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