September 16, 2024

Maintaining Exasol Setup on dbt Developer Hub

Run dbt projects in dbt Cloud or Core. Learn commands & prep steps for first-time setup & container building.
Dexter Chu
Head of Marketing

What is the Process to Run dbt Projects?

Running dbt projects can be achieved through either dbt Cloud or dbt Core. dbt Cloud is a hosted application that allows you to develop directly from a web browser using the dbt Cloud IDE. It also supports developing using a command line interface, dbt Cloud CLI. On the other hand, dbt Core is an open source project where you can develop from the command line.

dbt-cloud command_name

The above code is an example of how to run the dbt Cloud CLI. You replace 'command_name' with the specific dbt command you want to execute. For instance, 'dbt-init' can be used to create a new dbt project.

  • dbt Cloud: A hosted application for developing dbt projects.
  • dbt Core: An open source project for developing dbt projects from the command line.
  • dbt Cloud CLI: A command line interface for developing dbt projects in dbt Cloud.

How to Prepare for Running dbt for the First Time?

Before running dbt for the first time, it is necessary to execute the 'make prepare-dbt' command. This prepares the environment for dbt to run smoothly.

make prepare-dbt

The 'make prepare-dbt' command is used to prepare the environment for running dbt for the first time. It is a crucial step in the initial setup of dbt.

  • make prepare-dbt: A command used to prepare the environment for running dbt for the first time.

How to Build the Container from the Data-Image Project?

Building the container from the data-image project is a necessary step when running dbt. This process involves creating a container that will house the dbt project.

docker build -t data-image .

The 'docker build -t data-image .' command is used to build the container from the data-image project. This container is essential for running the dbt project.

  • data-image: The project from which the container is built.
  • docker build -t data-image .: The command used to build the container from the data-image project.

What is the Role of DBT_PROFILE_PATH Environment Variable?

The DBT_PROFILE_PATH environment variable is crucial in running dbt projects. It is necessary to ensure that this variable is set before running dbt.

export DBT_PROFILE_PATH=path_to_your_profiles_directory

The 'export DBT_PROFILE_PATH=path_to_your_profiles_directory' command is used to set the DBT_PROFILE_PATH environment variable. This variable points to the directory where your dbt profiles are stored.

  • DBT_PROFILE_PATH: An environment variable that points to the directory where your dbt profiles are stored.
  • export DBT_PROFILE_PATH=path_to_your_profiles_directory: The command used to set the DBT_PROFILE_PATH environment variable.

How to Run Commands from a Shell Inside a dbt Container?

To start a dbt container and run commands from a shell inside of it, you can use the 'make dbt-image' command. This command starts a dbt container and allows you to execute commands from within it.

make dbt-image

The 'make dbt-image' command is used to start a dbt container and run commands from a shell inside of it. It is a useful command when you want to execute dbt commands from within a dbt container.

  • make dbt-image: A command used to start a dbt container and run commands from a shell inside of it.

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