How to set up Decodable with dbt Developer Hub

Create pipelines & streams in Decodable with dbt. Manage data flow using dbt adapter. Supports table materialization only.
August 12, 2024

What is a Decodable setup in dbt?

A Decodable setup in dbt is a process that uses table materialization to create a pipeline/stream pair that shares a name in Decodable. The dbt table model is translated into this pair, and pipelines for models are automatically activated when materialization occurs.

dbt run

The 'dbt run' command is used to materialize models. This command creates a stream with the model's name, infers the model's schema from the model's SQL, creates a pipeline that inserts the SQL's results into the newly created stream, and activates the pipeline.

  • Keyword: Decodable setup - A process in dbt that uses table materialization to create a pipeline/stream pair.
  • Keyword: dbt run - A command used to materialize models in a Decodable setup.
  • Keyword: Pipeline - A series of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next.

What materialization is supported in Decodable setup?

In a Decodable setup, only table materialization is supported. This means that the data is physically instantiated in the database and stored on disk.

dbt run

The 'dbt run' command is used to materialize models in a Decodable setup. This command creates a stream with the model's name, infers the model's schema from the model's SQL, creates a pipeline that inserts the SQL's results into the newly created stream, and activates the pipeline.

  • Keyword: Table materialization - The process of physically instantiating data in the database and storing it on disk.
  • Keyword: dbt run - A command used to materialize models in a Decodable setup.

How to manage Decodable pipelines and streams?

The dbt adapter can be used to manage Decodable pipelines and streams using dbt's data model. This allows for efficient management and control over the data flow.

dbt adapter

The 'dbt adapter' is a tool used to manage Decodable pipelines and streams. It uses dbt's data model to provide efficient management and control over the data flow.

  • Keyword: dbt adapter - A tool used to manage Decodable pipelines and streams using dbt's data model.
  • Keyword: Data model - A representation of the data structures required for a database and how they are related to one another.

What happens when a model is materialized in Decodable setup?

When a model is materialized in a Decodable setup, a stream with the model's name is created, the model's schema is inferred from the model's SQL, a pipeline that inserts the SQL's results into the newly created stream is created, and the pipeline is activated.

dbt run

The 'dbt run' command is used to materialize models. This command creates a stream with the model's name, infers the model's schema from the model's SQL, creates a pipeline that inserts the SQL's results into the newly created stream, and activates the pipeline.

  • Keyword: Materialization - The process of creating a physical representation of data in a database.
  • Keyword: Stream - A sequence of data elements made available over time.
  • Keyword: Pipeline - A series of data processing elements connected in series.

What are the key features of Decodable setup?

Some key features of Decodable setup include the support for only table materialization, the use of the 'dbt run' command to materialize models, and the ability to manage Decodable pipelines and streams using dbt's data model through the dbt adapter.

dbt run
dbt adapter

The 'dbt run' command is used to materialize models, and the 'dbt adapter' is used to manage Decodable pipelines and streams. These are key features of the Decodable setup in dbt.

  • Keyword: Decodable setup - A process in dbt that uses table materialization to create a pipeline/stream pair.
  • Keyword: dbt run - A command used to materialize models in a Decodable setup.
  • Keyword: dbt adapter - A tool used to manage Decodable pipelines and streams using dbt's data model.

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