How to Set Up dbt Cloud to Profiles.yml

Learn about profiles.yml file in dbt Core, its role in connecting to a data warehouse, handling sensitive credentials, and its location.
August 12, 2024

What is a profiles.yml file in dbt Core?

A profiles.yml file in dbt Core is a crucial component that contains connection details for a data platform. It is read by dbt Core when run from the command line, which then finds the profile name in the dbt_project.yml file and looks for a profile with the same name in the profiles.yml file. This profile contains all the necessary details to connect to a data warehouse.

  • Profile: A profile is a set of connection details required to connect to a data warehouse. It is identified by a unique name in the profiles.yml file.
  • dbt Core: dbt Core is a command-line tool that transforms data in your warehouse. It operates by reading the dbt_project.yml and profiles.yml files.
  • profiles.yml: The profiles.yml file is a YAML file that contains the connection details for your data platform. It is usually located outside the dbt project for security reasons.

What are the components of a profile in profiles.yml?

Each profile in profiles.yml can contain multiple targets, representing different environments. A target includes the type of data warehouse, connection credentials, and dbt-specific configurations. For instance, in a Postgres profile, the structure might include elements like jaffle_shop, target, dev, outputs, type, and redshift.

  • Target: A target represents a specific environment in a data warehouse. It includes the type of data warehouse, connection credentials, and dbt-specific configurations.
  • Postgres profile: A Postgres profile is a specific type of profile for Postgres data warehouses. It may include elements like jaffle_shop, target, dev, outputs, type, and redshift.
  • dbt-specific configurations: These are configurations specific to dbt, included within a target in a profile. They help in customizing the behavior of dbt for a particular environment.

Where is the profiles.yml file generally located?

Generally, the profiles.yml file is located outside of the dbt project to prevent sensitive credentials from being checked into version control. However, it can be safely checked in when using environment variables to load sensitive credentials.

  • Location of profiles.yml: The profiles.yml file is typically located outside the dbt project to protect sensitive data. However, it can be included in version control if environment variables are used to load sensitive credentials.
  • Environment Variables: These are dynamic-named values that can change the way running processes will behave on a computer. They can be used to load sensitive credentials safely.
  • Version Control: Version control systems are a category of software tools that help a software team manage changes to source code over time. They can track every individual change by each contributor and help prevent concurrent work from conflicting.

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