IBM D2 and Secoda combine to streamline data discovery and governance, empowering users to effectively search, analyze, and manage data for regulatory compliance and increased data asset value.
Add to SecodaIBM D2 is a document management system that helps organizations efficiently organize and manage their digital content. It provides users with a user-friendly interface for storing, retrieving, and sharing documents across the organization. With features such as version control and workflow automation, IBM D2 streamlines document management processes and improves collaboration among team members.
IBM D2 integrates with Secoda to enhance an organization's data discovery and governance processes. By leveraging the capabilities of both platforms, users can efficiently search, analyze, and manage data, ensuring compliance with regulations and maximizing the value of their data assets.
Secoda's integration with IBM D2 consolidates data from various sources, providing a centralized repository for accurate and reliable information within an organization.