Tag PII from Sigma

Tag PII in Sigma with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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In order to ensure data governance at scale, it is important to tag personally identifiable information (PII) that resides in Sigma Computing through Secoda. Sigma Computing is a cloud-native analytics platform that offers a user-friendly spreadsheet interface for business users to effortlessly access, explore, and derive insights from their data. With its ability to handle massive amounts of data without the need for coding or specialized training, Sigma empowers users to perform real-time analysis, augment data with new information, and conduct "what if" scenarios. By integrating Secoda, organizations can effectively manage and govern PII within Sigma, ensuring compliance and data security.

How it works

In Sigma, a cloud-native analytics and business intelligence platform, Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is handled with a strong emphasis on security and compliance. Sigma provides advanced tools and features that help organizations manage and analyze their data responsibly, particularly when it involves sensitive PII. The platform ensures that PII is processed and stored with robust encryption and offers fine-grained access controls to restrict data visibility and modifications strictly to authorized users. Additionally, Sigma supports compliance with various data protection regulations, offering audit trails and compliance documentation to help organizations maintain transparency and accountability. These features underscore Sigma's commitment to enabling data-driven insights while prioritizing the protection of individual privacy.

Secoda's integration with Sigma allows users to build custom workflows that streamline data management processes. One of the key features is the ability to tag personally identifiable information (PII) that resides in Sigma, saving time and reducing manual errors. The automation feature in Secoda consists of triggers and actions. Triggers enable users to schedule workflows at specific intervals, providing a structured framework for subsequent actions. Actions encompass various operations such as filtering and updating metadata, enabling users to create detailed workflows tailored to their team's requirements. Additionally, Secoda empowers users to perform bulk updates to metadata in Sigma, further enhancing data management efficiency.

About Secoda

Secoda, the all-in-one data search, catalog, lineage, monitoring, and governance platform, offers a seamless integration with Sigma. With this integration, data teams can effortlessly access and utilize their data within the Sigma environment. Secoda's AI-powered data governance capabilities enhance the data management process, ensuring data quality, compliance, and security. By combining the power of Secoda and Sigma, organizations can streamline their data workflows and make informed decisions with confidence.

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