Identify orphaned data in Tableau

Identify orphaned data in Tableau with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Integration with Tableau allows organizations to identify data that no longer has an assigned team or user and tag it for review. This is an important step in data cleanup practices as it helps prevent data integrity issues, optimize storage use, enhance system performance, and ensure accurate data analysis and reporting processes. By leveraging Tableau's capabilities, businesses can efficiently manage their data and maintain a well-organized and reliable data environment.

How it works

Integration with Tableau allows users to automate processes using triggers and actions. Triggers can be scheduled at specific intervals, such as hourly or daily, to initiate subsequent actions. Actions encompass various operations, such as filtering and updating metadata. By stacking actions, users can customize workflows to suit their team's requirements. With Secoda, users can efficiently update metadata in Tableau in bulk. This integration also facilitates the identification of data in Tableau that lacks assigned team or user, allowing users to tag such data for review.

About Secoda

When using Tableau with Secoda, data teams can effectively scale their data enablement practices. Secoda acts as a comprehensive data management platform, combining all essential data aspects like catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. This integration simplifies the process of maintaining trust scorecards and ensures that the company's data knowledge remains consolidated and accessible.

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