Identify assets for cleanup in Redshift

Identify assets for cleanup in Redshift with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Integration with Redshift allows for efficient data cleanup processes. It involves tagging data that has not been accessed within a specific period as "for review" to ensure ongoing accuracy and reliability of datasets. This integration supports the maintenance of consistent and valid data, which enhances the overall quality of collected information.

How it works

Secoda's integration with Redshift allows for seamless automation of data management tasks. By utilizing triggers and actions, workflows can be designed to activate at specified schedules or on a custom basis. This structured framework enables the triggering of subsequent actions, such as filtering and updating metadata. Users can stack actions on top of one another, creating tailored workflows that address their team's specific needs. With this integration, bulk updates to metadata in Redshift can be easily performed. As a result, tagging data from Redshift that has not been accessed within a certain period as 'for review' for cleanup becomes a streamlined process.

About Secoda

By integrating Secoda with Redshift, data teams can streamline their data cleanup practices and enhance scalability. With Secoda serving as an index of your company's data knowledge, it consolidates various aspects such as data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring into a centralized data management platform. This integration specifically enables teams to prioritize their assets effectively, making it simpler to manage and optimize data within Redshift.

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