Deprecation warnings in Airflow

Deprecation warnings in Airflow with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Airflow is a popular integration that Secoda supports. It is an open-source platform called Apache Airflow, which specializes in developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows. With Airflow, you can easily create, schedule, and monitor workflows using computer programming. This makes it incredibly useful for architecting and orchestrating complex data pipelines and task launches. Secoda seamlessly integrates with Airflow, allowing you to automatically identify and tag assets in your data catalog. It also notifies you when an asset is ready to be deprecated based on their usage levels, ensuring that your catalog stays up-to-date.

How it works

In the context of Airflow integration, Secoda offers the ability to perform bulk updates to metadata. An Automation in Secoda consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers activate the workflow based on specific schedules, providing a structured framework for subsequent actions. Actions encompass various operations, such as filtering and updating metadata. These actions can be stacked together to create detailed workflows suited to the specific needs of your team. With Secoda, you can automate the identification and tagging of assets in your data catalog that have not been updated or viewed within a specified time interval. Additionally, you can receive notifications when assets are ready to be deprecated based on their usage levels.

About Secoda

When it comes to data migration and asset deprecation warnings, integrating Airflow with Secoda can be a valuable option. Secoda acts as a centralized platform for your company's data knowledge, bringing together data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring capabilities. By leveraging Airflow and Secoda together, you can streamline the process of migrating data while also receiving warnings about asset depreciation. This integration allows for efficient data management and ensures that your data assets are properly monitored and documented.

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