Dataform schema change alerts

Dataform schema change alerts with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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The integration between Dataform and Secoda enables data analysts to receive schema change alerts for data residing in Dataform. This integration ensures an efficient and safe migration process by allowing users to automate completeness checks in their data catalog using Secoda. Once a resource has been migrated, Secoda automatically scans datasets and tags them as complete, providing an added layer of assurance. This integration streamlines the workflow for data analysts, allowing them to manage data transformations and migrations with ease.

How it works

The integration between Dataform and Secoda enables data analysts to receive schema change alerts for data residing in Dataform. This integration ensures an efficient and safe migration process by allowing users to automate completeness checks in their data catalog using Secoda. Once a resource has been migrated, Secoda automatically scans datasets and tags them as complete, providing an added layer of assurance. This integration streamlines the workflow for data analysts, allowing them to manage data transformations and migrations with ease.

About Secoda

Integration between Dataform and Secoda enables efficient and safe migration of data by providing schema change alerts. Secoda serves as a data management platform, consolidating data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. It allows automation of completeness checks in the data catalog, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of migrated resources. Additionally, Secoda enables automatic scanning of datasets post-migration, facilitating the tagging of datasets as complete. This integration streamlines the migration process and ensures data integrity.

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