Build and maintain trust scorecards for Oracle

Build and maintain trust scorecards with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Oracle integration allows you to include data from Oracle in your trust scorecard. A trust scorecard assesses data reliability and encompasses factors like quality metrics, source credibility, compliance with governance standards, accessibility, and lineage documentation. It aims to educate stakeholders about data integrity, enabling informed decision-making, enhancing data practices, and instilling confidence in data assets by conducting transparent and accountable evaluations of data's trustworthiness and quality.

How it works

Secoda Automations offers an integration with Oracle, which consists of two main components: Triggers and Actions. Triggers serve as the activators for workflows and can be configured to run at specific intervals, such as hourly, daily, or on a customized schedule. Actions encompass various operations, such as metadata updates and filtering, allowing users to create customized workflows that align with their team's requirements. By leveraging Secoda, users can efficiently execute bulk updates to metadata within their Oracle databases. This integration facilitates the automatic tagging of data for trust scorecards, utilizing factors like documentation completeness and usage, among other specified variables from Oracle.

About Secoda

Secoda integrates seamlessly with Oracle, allowing data teams to efficiently expand their data enablement practices. By utilizing Secoda, teams can effortlessly maintain their trust scorecards, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of their data. Secoda serves as a comprehensive data management platform, consolidating various aspects of data knowledge, such as data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. This integration with Oracle empowers data teams to easily access and manage their data, enhancing their overall data management capabilities.

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